KLONX Tokenswap Results

Mar 30, 2021

Dear Klondikers, congrats on the successful tokenswap! The migration took place from 23 March 6 PM UTC to 30 March 6 PM UTC.

Tokenswap stats:

KLON supply was originally set to 1,000,000 KLON. With the changes to the protocol pre-v2 version, 306,250 KLON left in V1 and were not swapped according the proposal, majorly reducing the FDV and making KLONX holders more whole as the dilution is now also reduced.

Total KLON swapped to KLONX — 452,596. Users swapped 146,344 tokens. 2,297 KLON left in V1 by users, 2297/(146344+2297)=1.5%. This shows that the community is super active and was almost fully able to migrate in a short timeframe. Good job everyone!

KLONX token contract: 0xbf15797bb5e47f6fb094a4abdb2cfc43f77179ef

In 48 hours we’ll publish the article on next moves and synthetics, stay tuned!

